What is Jobsflag?
Jobslfag is a job aggregator and job search engine service. There are many jobs listed all over the internet and Jobslfag’s technology gathers jobs from many different companies websites as well as job listings from our vast list of partners. to bring them all into on place. (What is a job aggregator?) We strive to help you search, find and apply to your next job or career change. To help in your job search Jobsflag also offers job alerts delivered to you via email, sms and push notifications. This allows you to be one of the first to apply to that next job you are looking for.
Is Jobsflag Legit?
Yes, Jobsflag is a legit service designed to help our users find and apply to available jobs in their area. Jobsflag Job Alerts also offers amazing career advice along with tips and instructions on how to advance your career, interview skills, resume help and many other areas related to finding a new job. As a matter of fact, Jobsflag has some amazing advice on resume writing, following up with employers after an interview, getting jobs and careers in the sporting organizations, how to take advantage of internships. There are also some helpful blog posts about some of the best jobs in the restaurant industry and how you can increase your online presence by using free websites like LinkedIn.
Is Jobsflag a Scam?
Absolutely not, Jobsflag is a legit job board and job aggregator designed to help job seekers find their dream job. You can search for available jobs here. We also offer a variety of free job advice, you can see all of the Jobsflag job advice here.
What does Jobsflag do?
Here are some of the things that Jobsflag does and provides to job seekers.
- Job Search Engine
- Job Aggregation from across the internet
- Job Alerts sent vi email
- Job Alerts send via sms (text messaging)
- Career Advice
- Job Search Advice
- Life and Educational Advice and Information
If you have any questions feel free to contact the Jobsflag team here.