What is Jobsflag.com?
Jobsflag.com is a job aggregator and job search engine. Jobsflag is a legit service and they partner with some of the largest job based websites on the internet.
Jobsflag Partners
What does Jobsflag offer that makes it a legit website?
1. Job Search Engine
There are millions and millions of job listings all over the world. Some of the job listings that are available are on larger websites and some of them are on local company websites. Jobsflag works to gather all of the different listing that exist everywhere and bring them together into one job search engine and in turn job seekers find the best job for them.
2. Email Job Alerts 
Jobsflag works hard to provide great resources to job seekers and the different job board/recruiting companies that we work with. One of the different services that is offered free or charge is Email Job Alerts. These alerts are tailored to help the job seeker be notified of new job positions that match the criteria they set forth including, job type, employer, pay rate and location. The jobsflag email policy can be found here.
3. SMS Job Alerts
Another free service is job alerts sent right to your cell phone. These sms job alerts are similar to our email job alerts but they are directed to your sms message inbox. These are free to anyone that signs up at jobsflag.com and can be cancelled at any time. There is more information on these alerts in our privacy policy.
4. Job Advice aka the Jobsflag Job Blog
Here are some of the best job advice blog posts that Jobsflag job blog has to offer.
- How To Improve Your Resume
- Mastering the Art of the Follow-Up: Post-Interview Communication with Employers
- Best Restaurant Jobs
- The Best Way To Use ChatGPT To Find A New Job
- You can See the rest of the amazing job advice here
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